Picture below: Reception comparison on submarine frequencies! At 16.4KHz, JXN is available from Norway. Antenna: Datong AD370.


On all other frequencies hardly any differences to the G33DDC are noticeable. Only the playback characteristics of the audio can sometimes hear differences. Sometimes one, sometimes the other is better. How does the RSPduo sound in comparison to my reference device, the G33DDC? Audio comparisons say more than words! For the comparison I made audio recordings of the two receivers. The best way to convince yourself, listening to the recordings. When selecting the stations, I have put emphasis on mostly bad receivable stations. Therefore, I recommend to use a headphone while listening to the comparisons.

Second 0-15 >> SDRplay RSPduoSecond 15-30 >> Winradio G33DDC Excalibur Pro
60KHzCW Timesignal Anthorn GBR198KHzSAMBBC R41350KHzAMI AM Radio3691KHzLSB Amateurfunk4750KHzSAMBangladesh Betar4885KHzSAMRadio Clube do Para5505KHzUSBShannon Volmet6190KHzSAMLa Voz Alegre
6205KHzSAMLaser Hot Hits 7425KHzSAMVoice of Iran9630.6KHzSAMRadio Aparecida11850KHzSAMRadio Liberty14670KHzUSBTimesignalCHU Canada15550KHzSAMRadio Tamazuj17615KHzSAMHoly Quran28257KHzCWBake DK0TEN
The only thing, where the RSPduo has to leave springs, is with the strong signal compatibility! During the day virtually no intermodulation was noticed. As soon as evening came and the sum signals increased, unwanted signals were found on frequencies that were supposed to be free.
Picture below: Intermodulation in the evening! On frequencies normally not broadcasted by radio stations, the RSPduo regularly brought these unwanted signals! Partly also signal mixtures.
Datong Active Antenna Model Ad370


The SDRplay RSPduo is by far more than a shortwave receiver. In conjunction with SDRuno, it is currently the only 'dual SDR' that can receive up to 2GHz. The presence of the secondary receiver in the same housing opens up interesting possibilities of frequency monitoring. Also for the future, this combination will be able to offer important functions. The 'noise canceling'. The hiding of interference signals by phase reversal. Soon, SDRuno will offer this feature. When receiving on VLF, LW, MW and KW the RSPduo is in no way inferior to the reference device G33DDC. Apart from the big signal behavior! Since the G33DDC was absolutely superior. During the day, the RSPduo receives easily. As soon as the evening approaches and the summed signals become stronger, signal mixtures and intermodulation are formed. But considering the low price, that can be overcome.

Very good price / performance ratio.

posted: 02.10.2018